
Just imagine ditching overwhelm and exhaustion and achieving more with greater energy, ease and joy

To all the tired, overachieving female leaders,

Does this sound familiar?

  • You’re a chronic over doer, relentlessly pursuing a mammoth to-do list (that you are not on). You feel like you can never get it all done.

  • You’re constantly pushing and rushing to tick everything off. The little voice in your head constantly tells you that you need to get ‘just one more thing done’ before you shut down.

  • You override your own feelings. Your body hurts, but you keep going. You’re exhausted, but you keep working.

  • As a result, you’re exhausted. You often have to drag yourself out of bed in the morning and it takes all your energy just to get through the day (even with the help of lots of caffeine or sweet pick-me-ups).

  • The constant stress in your life has led you to get stuck in bad habits like your daily sugar fix, too much caffeine or wine and the late night social media or Netflix binging (or just working late into the night).

  • If you’re honest, you’re crankier, moodier and more reactive than you wish to admit. And that takes a toll on the relationships – whether at home or work – that you most care about.

  • You know you should change before it wreaks havoc on your health or relationships, but you don’t have the energy or the time to figure it out.

You’re not alone and it’s not your fault. Like so many other overwhelmed exhausted female leaders, this is the only way you’ve known to achieve your goals and make a positive impact in the world.


Like you, I’m a driven, high-achieving woman with big dreams and a deep desire to make a difference.

I used to think the only way I could do that was by constantly pushing to achieve my epic to-do list. I didn’t question that voice in my head that would tell me at night that I really needed to do that one last thing. I didn’t push back when colleagues in my international organisation would schedule meetings late at night or early morning. Then when I got that adrenaline, cortisol driven ‘second wind’ I’d keep working.

At the time I was managing a global campaign for an international organisation, running a side coaching consultancy and was a mum to a one-year old, all while finishing my book.

I thought it was normal to wake up tired, feeling like I had to drag myself out of bed. I pushed away the constant ache in my shoulders and back. I could only get through the afternoon with extra coffee. By the time I got home to be with my family I was exhausted.

But, that’s all I knew. That was normal, I thought.

Then I got hit with a double whammy: pneumonia and hand, foot and mouth disease (the latter from my son’s kindy - which by the way, is seriously gross!).

I remember laying in the dark spare bedroom by myself feeling like death. I tried to turn on my computer to distract myself with my Netflix addiction of that time, House of Cards. But my body and head ached too much to even do that. So, I lay there staring at the ceiling. The first thought that came up was, “I can’t keep on going on like this.” That was quickly followed by, “but what do I give up? I love being a mum more than anything in the world, but I also love my job, my passions and have a deep desire to make a positive difference in the world and help others.”

So lying there staring at the ceiling, I started to think, “Surely, there’s a way to still achieve the things that are most important to me, while feeling amazing and being a great mum and having more joy.”

That one thought started years of deep exploration into how I could optimise my energy, focus, impact, calm and connection so I could still achieve the important things but do so with ease and joy. It’s led me to a one-year Optimise coaching program, to years of meditation, mindfulness and, more recently, delving deep into female embodiment training. I’ve worked with the best trainers in the world in mindset and subconscious reprogramming. I’ve studied productivity and focus extensively. Knowing that I wanted to make change that lasts, I’ve mastered breaking and creating habits for good.

What I’ve learnt is that you absolutely can achieve the things you truly want and make a positive impact in the world with ease and joy and while feeling calmly energised and deeply connected.

It’s not just only possible for me. I’ve seen this happen time and time again with my clients.


The Optimised Habits System

The 8-week Optimised Female Leaders Program is based in my proprietary Optimise Habits System, to take high-achieving female leaders from overwhelm and exhaustion to feeling energised, focused, calm and deeply connected to the important people in their life.

In the 8-week Optimised
Female Leaders Program you will:

  • Get clarity on who you are at your best in the areas of energy, at work and in your relationships and the key habits you need to break and instil to be that person.

  • It will become easy to create the habits, systems and boundaries YOU need to optimise your energy, focus and productivity, calm, confidence and connection.

  • You’ll wake up energised and still have plenty left by the end of the day for your family and friends.

  • You will get far more important, meaningful work done in less time with less stress and more time for yourself.

  • You will feel so much more calm and peaceful and you’ll have simple tools to calm yourself when stressed.

  • You’ll be more deeply connected to your family, friends and co-workers, even if your time with them is limited.

  • In general, life will feel so much easier and joyful.

The fact that you’re reading this means you’re probably like most of my clients. You’re a smart, driven, high-achieving woman and a leader in your organisation or business. You want to make a positive impact in the world.

But, you already know that the way you're currently pushing yourself to try to complete an epically long and never ending, to-do list leaves you exhausted and overwhelmed and that there must be a better way.

I want to help women make their unique positive impact in the world and do so with ease, joy and vitality. Your ability to make a difference doesn’t come from your hard work, drive and never ending to-do lists. It comes from your ability to embrace your sensitivity, to live and lead with an open heart, while also cultivating your fierceness. But first, you need to learn the essential practices to optimise your energy, focus, and calm. From that place of ease and joy you will be able to tap into your innate leadership superpowers.

The fact that you’ve read this far means you’re ready to try a new way of going about working to achieve your goals and make a positive impact in the world.

The Optimised Female Leaders program takes you through my proprietary Optimised Habits System so you can make lasting change, going from overwhelm and exhaustion, to boundless energy, focus and calm. Here’s what we cover in the 8-weeks:

1. Your Best Self Blueprint

You can’t make lasting change unless it’s in alignment with your identity. So, using Your Best Self Blueprint you will get clarity on who exactly you want to be in terms of your health and energy, the kind of leaders you want to be at work and in pursuit of your purpose and finally how you want to show up in all of your relationships (your family and friends and your colleagues and even your relationship with yourself).

I’ll take you through this step-by-step blueprint to not only create your ideal identity in all these key areas, but to also create a unique roadmap on how exactly you can become that person. And we’ll take it out of your head and help you embody this new way of being, right now.

This step will leave you feeling clear and inspired by who you can be and how your life can be full of ease and joy.

2. Mindset Detox

I’ll take you through my exclusive assessment to identify your core beliefs including the blind spots you didn't even know you had, that have kept you stuck in negative habits and cycles that are sucking your energy, time and peace of mind. Together, I’ll help you detox from them.

You'll finally be able to ditch these beliefs for good and replace them with more empowering ones, making change easy. You’ll be able to:

  • Stop saying yes to everything and putting everyone and everything ahead of your needs. Create boundaries that will allow you to thrive.

  • Finally ditch the belief that you can 'never do enough' and thus the never-ending demands on yourself.

  • Create - and most importantly stick to - the habits and routines YOU need to optimise your energy, focus, calm and connection.

Without this process, you’ll struggle against yourself and change will always be an uphill battle.

Weeks 3-4: Energy Optimisation

You’ll upgrade a key set of habits that will take your energy to a whole new level. You will eliminate negative habits and create positive ones in the areas of nutrition, movement and exercise, sleep and rest, and balancing your energy cycles throughout the day.

As a result you’ll:

  • Sleep far more soundly so you wake up refreshed and feel calmly energised all day.

  • Shift the way you work so it’s in alignment with your energy cycles so you can have all day energy to be your best at work and when you’re with your family and friends.

  • Make simple changes to your nutrition so you no longer crash in the afternoon.

  • Have the energy to not just survive but actually thrive and find more time to pursue your passions and feel more joy

Weeks 5-6: Focus and Productivity Optimisation

Over these two weeks we’ll look at your beliefs and habits that are zapping your focus and productivity and install simple new ones so you can get far more important work done in less time, with less stress.

You will:

  • Eliminate the negative habits that are sucking your time and productivity and leading you to be in a constant state of pushing and never-ending doing.

  • Achieve far more important, meaningful work in less time, with less stress and more time for yourself.

  • Cross a ton off your to-do list - and add a lot more to your ‘fuck it!’ list and get a whole lot calmer in the process.

  • Install simple habits that will take your focus and productivity to a whole new level and create much more ease in your days.

Week 7: Calm and Connection Optimisation

In this week I help you identify your triggers and remove the habits and beliefs that lead to constant stress and rob you of deep connection. In their place, you’ll install simple mindfulness tools that you can fit into the most hectic day and will regulate your nervous system.

As a result you’ll:

  • Move from a place of feeling cranky, stressed and reactive, where you’re screaming at your kids or partner at the drop of a hat to one of calm and groundedness, and as a result deeper connections.

  • Reduce the overall stress in your life that’s leading to your bad habits (think that afternoon or nightly sugar snack or the third glass of wine or the late night mindless social media browsing).

  • Greatly strengthen your ability to be completely present with others - the greatest gift you can give. You’ll feel more deeply connected to your family, friends and co-workers (even if your time with them is short) and less guilty.

  • Feel confident knowing you have the tools to calm yourself when stressors arise (be it in the boardroom or the dinner table!).

Week 8: Embodying your full power

In the final pillar I will guide you on getting out of your head, past your to-do list and constant over-doing and into embodying your full power; your sensitivity and empathy and your ability to live and lead with a wide-open heart and a fierce conviction to yourself, your values and to making your unique difference in the world.

As a result you’ll:

  • Completely stop the need to push and force your way through life and rather effortlessly step into your true nature and your true power.

  • Find the courage to live life and lead from a place of deep vulnerability, sensitivity and an open-heart. Within that place anything is possible.

  • Fully own your fierceness and your unwavering conviction to have your own back and live true to your values.

  • Become a magnetic, inspiring leader who will make a significant positive impact in the world.


The more that you learn and practice the Optimise Habits System, the more important work that you will achieve with ease, energy and joy.

You will love how it feels to wake up energized, and go through the day feeling calmly confident. You’ll love the ease, spaciousness and joy you will find in your life while still achieving what’s important to you.

Here’s exactly what’s included in the program:

  • 8 modules with video and audio lessons and a quick summary of key points for the week (designed to fit into your busy lifestyle).

  • Journaling exercises for each week.

  • The Best Self Blueprint workbook and guide

  • The Mindset Detox assessment.

  • A guide to breaking and making habits, along with a quick reference guide and a workbook.

  • Once a week group coaching calls via Zoom with Kelly.

  • A private Facebook group where Kelly will be directly coaching you throughout the week.

  • Optional text message prompts for added accountability

  • Optional accountability buddy.

If you’re ready to develop optimised habits and change your life so you can accomplish more with ease as joy then apply up now.